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Advice That Empowers

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Managing Stress and Building Stronger Connections

May 26, 202310 min read

Stress doesn't just take a toll on your mental health; it affects your physical health as well.

Managing Stress and Building Stronger Connections

In recognition of April as Stress Awareness Month, this masterclass is on how to manage stress. This topic is very near and dear to me because I was someone who lived with toxic stress and I didn't even know it.

Sometimes we are in a state of stress and we don't even realize it because we are used to living that way. It becomes natural and normal to us, but it is not natural or normal, and there are so many side effects. Being able to bring awareness to our stress and manage it is going to change our lives, period.

If you've ever felt stressed, you're not alone. 1 out of 4 people will experience mental health issues in their lifetime, and 60% of adults say that they currently feel stressed out.

Stress is normal and a healthy part of our fight or flight reflex. Its purpose is to keep us safe. However, there's a difference between regular stress and toxic stress. Toxic stress is chronic and it doesn't go away.

The Link Between Mental and Physical Health

What makes some people more prone to toxic stress than others? As an ACEs (adverse childhood experience) advocate, I know very well how the events of our childhood can impact us to this day.

Adverse Childhood Experiences include:

  • Physical or emotional abuse

  • Physical or emotional neglect

  • Sexual abuse

  • Household dysfunction

  • Exposure to violence

ACEs survivors are wired differently due to their experiences, and are more susceptible to toxic stress and depression as adults. Adults with four or more ACEs are more likely to smoke, and 45% of them report at least one chronic illness.

Even if you're not affected by ACEs, toxic stress can have a serious toll on your health.

Let's talk about what happens in your body when you're in the stress response.

Being in fight or flight is meant to be temporary, to get us away from immediate danger, like a bear in the woods. Adrenaline and cortisol are released to prepare us to fight. Parts of our brain stop functioning, our digestive system slows, our blood pressure rises.

But, what if there isn't a bear in the woods?

Our brains might get stuck in the stress response. That's why it's so important to learn how to manage stress, so we don't get stuck in the loop.

Being in the stress response impacts nearly every system in our body. As far as cardiovascular goes, toxic stress can put you at risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, hypertension, and even stroke!

Your digestive system being slowed due to stress can cause acid reflux, bloating, constipation, IBS, and more. I was someone who struggled with digestion and stomach issues for my whole life. I couldn't figure it out for so long! Until I realized that my adrenals were constantly in overdrive, so of course my body couldn't digest things the right way. Now, I don't have to watch EVERYTHING I eat, I get to have some cheat days!

Thyroid and metabolism issues are also linked to stress. If you're struggling with your weight, metabolism, or thyroid, start thinking about the possibility that stress could be causing these problems.

It almost goes without saying that your mind is affected as well. Anxiety and depression are an inevitable consequence of stress. There's no way to avoid that, because the same neurotransmitters that release serotonin and dopamine also cause the body to go into stress, and they can't do both at once. Cognitive impairment is a common issue with stress, like brain fog and memory and attention issues.

Let's not forget sleep, it's essential to our health. It's the time that your body gets to rest and recover.

Who has an easy time sleeping while they're stressed?

With all this turmoil going on in your body, your immune system is weakened as well. Think back to the last time you were sick. Were you stressed out right before? I'll give you a personal example. Last year, my cousin was in and out of the hospital, and my family was told on Christmas Day that we needed to get there if we wanted to say goodbye. So we all rushed over. My grandpa had also been really sick, and we were really overwhelmed by everything going on and all the life-or-death choices that had to be made. I ended up with a horrible headache that day, and just a couple of days later, I had Covid. I knew right away that my immune system had been compromised due to the stress and overwhelm of the situation.

Regulating Stress & Prioritizing Self-Care

The first step to regulating stress is prioritizing self-care. I know people always talk about it, but it's often easier said than done.

Especially as a Latina woman, I've always been told "put your children first, never you, no matter what happens." So I didn't ever prioritize myself until about 5 years ago, when my kids became adults. I wish that I had learned how to balance that better when I was younger.

If you have young children, remember that you need to put your oxygen mask on first. We hear that all the time, but it's so darn true.

If you're stressed, how do you think that's going to affect your kids? You'll pass that stress onto them and put them at risk for all of those health problems I mentioned before. It's part of ACEs and generational trauma, stress is the gift that keeps on giving! In order to prevent that, self-care MUST be your number one priority. That doesn't mean you spend 24 hours a day at the spa, it means that you intentionally block out some time to focus on yourself. It will make you a better person, parent, friend, boss, or whatever roles you play in your life.

Here are some steps to regulate stress:

1. Increase Awareness & Education

There are a ton of educational resources out there. Find experts on the subject, talk to your friends who are already on that path. Do your work!

2. Build Strong, Supportive Relationships / Support Network

Be in a community that you can rely on. For so long, women have thought that we were alone, that we had to do it all. We developed Wonder Woman complexes that made us think that our value was affected if we couldn't get everything done all by ourselves. But that's not true! We don't always have to be the savior, we don't always have to sacrifice ourselves for everyone else. We can lean on other people.

3. Emotional Expression and Communication

Women have gotten a really bad rap for being "too emotional". We have been shamed into keeping our struggles to ourselves. But being able to express how we feel is an important part of releasing emotions. If we hold that in, it gets trapped in the body. This has real consequences, I recommend you learn more about it in an amazing book called The Body Keeps the Score, by Besser Van Der Kolk. You don't always have to express yourself to someone else either, you can express it in the mirror, write it in a journal, scream into a pillow! There are so many ways to release trapped emotions.

4. Build Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt and cope. It's being able to see yourself as the victor, not the victim. When you're in a stressful situation, how do you take action? A funny thing my aunt used to say is "put your big-girl panties on." Assess the situation and decide what you're going to do about it. The ability to bounce back is really important for us to manage stress. Another good way to build your resilience is to get out of your comfort zone, that builds up your confidence.

5. Seek Professional Help from a Trauma-Informed Coach or Therapist

Sometimes, seeking professional support is necessary. Make sure that if you feel that your issues are trauma related, you're finding help from someone who is trauma-informed. A lot of therapists out there are doing things the old school way that isn't as effective as new methods such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Talking it out can take a really long time to see any progress, whereas examining your behavior and getting to the root of the issues is much more empowering.

6. Engage in Holistic & Integrative Healing Treatments

I also recommend holistic treatments like acupuncture, kinesiology, EFT, and and many more that calm your nervous system. These treatments connect your brain with your neurological system and integrate the whole body. Even things like kundalini yoga, sweat lodges, and breath work are really powerful treatments for releasing trapped emotions. I could talk about these all day - just know that there are so many amazing things you can try.

7. Practice Positive Thinking

Some people don't believe in it, but really it's about reframing and shifting your perspective. It changes your attitude, your mood, and it even changes the hormones that get released in your body. And that's a huge thing that people don't realize when it comes to the power of their thoughts - it can either release negative hormones that create stress, or it can release positive hormones that make you happy! So, which would you prefer?

When you find yourself running into stressful thoughts, try to practice gratitude. You have a roof over your head, you have clean water. Do you know how many people in the world don't even have clean water? Another thing that will help us reframe is honoring ourselves and what we have already accomplished. Think about how far you've come, the obstacles you've faced and triumphed over.

Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine

  • Start with small steps. Self-care is meant to relieve stress, not add to it! Building new habits takes time, make the changes sustainable.

  • Schedule it in. Block out the time, or else it probably won't happen. This method is very effective for me, I even put my at-home yoga routine on my calendar.

  • Practice mindfulness. I used to struggle with this, but now I practice it without even realizing. Just think about where you are in that exact moment, how your body feels sitting in the chair, who you're with. Put worries about the future on hold for a few moments and just be present.

  • Get moving! Exercise is so important. It releases happy endorphins and makes you more positive overall. I always notice a difference when I'm not able to get into the gym for a few days. I recommend movement 3-5 times a week.

  • Prioritize sleep.

  • Somatic breath work. Breath work is such a great way to release everything in your neurological system. Doing things like Wim Hoff, box breathing, kundalini will bring down cortisol levels. This was such a huge game-changer for me.

  • Practice self-compassion. We're usually our own worst critic. We have to stop judging ourselves badly and give ourselves some more compassion and grace!

  • Eat healthy to fuel. Think about it, you wouldn't put cooking oil in your engine because you know that would make the motor burn up. So, what are you fueling your body with? I'm not saying don't cheat sometimes, but keep it balanced. Think 80/20 rule.

  • Find what works for you! Make sure to keep checking in with yourself to see if what you're trying is actually reducing your stress levels. If not, try something else.

This has been a shortened summary of the April Master Class. If you loved it and want the full thing, or want to hear my other classes, join We Empower Network! You'll get access to so much education, challenges designed to up level your life, and connection with other entrepreneurs like you.

managing stresstoxic stress
Certified Master Coach for High Performing Leaders | Strategist | Consultant | Trainer | Fractional COO Supporting Established and Scaling Businesses with Operations, Systems & Outsourcing

Sherist Rodriguez

Certified Master Coach for High Performing Leaders | Strategist | Consultant | Trainer | Fractional COO Supporting Established and Scaling Businesses with Operations, Systems & Outsourcing

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A Holistic Approach to Scaling

Where Self-Mastery Meets Business

As a business owner, you know that scaling your business can be challenging. Let's face it. If it were easy, most people would be running successful business and living lives they love. The truth is nearly 1 in 5 U.S. businesses fail within the first year, almost 50% falter after five years and you don't want to know the survival rate of 10 years.

You want to take your business to the next level and we know you have what it takes to do it. But as a busy entrepreneur and business owner, frustration and overwhelm can kick in leaving you stuck as an operator in this viscous cycle of:

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day operations

  • Feeling stressed out and constantly worrying

  • Struggling to define effective business strategies

  • Unsure of what processes, systems and software you need

  • Having difficulty finding and managing the right staff to implement your strategies

  • Struggling to find the time and the resources to do it all (Your plate is already full)

  • Getting in your own way of true success and happiness

  • Feeling like you are all alone and don't have the support you need

That's where our holistic approach comes in. We understand the unique challenges that business owners and leaders face, and we are here to help you overcome the stress and overwhelm that come with scaling your business. Our comprehensive Business Solutions and Resource Hub helps you streamline operations, enhance workflows, build and train your staff and scale your business to new heights.

Do you have the support, strategies, systems, software and staff to make it happen? It's time to take massive action and unleash your businesses fullest potential?

#1 Resource for women Entrepreneurs

Empowering & equipping heart-centered thought leaders with access to knowledge, tools, resources, and solutions that help them create impact through their courses, memberships, products, and services.

Solutions That Empower Enterprises

Like Yours to Achieve

As a business leader, you understand the importance of having the right strategy, systems, software, staffing, and support in place to drive success. But the ever-changing landscape of the business world can make it challenging to stay ahead of the curve.

That's where we come in. We empower enterprises like yours with the resources and support you need to achieve operational success. Our team of expert coaches, consultants, and operations managers will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a customized solution that drives results.

Whether you're looking to streamline processes, optimize workflows, or find new ways to scale your business, we're here to help. With our support, you'll have the tools and guidance you need to take your enterprise to the next level.


Our business and mindset coaching is perfect for entrepreneurs who need guidance and accountability in identifying their goals and creating a plan to achieve them, reaching their full potential. Mindset coaching can also help you overcome negative thinking patterns and develop a more empowering life and business on your terms. When we combine the two together, magic happens.


Our business consulting services are perfect for entrepreneurs and thought leaders who are building and scaling their enterprises. We help you plan and build a strong foundation, develop or improve your processes and workflows, implement systems and automations, build and train your team. Our business consultants can help you design the business that supports your lifestyle.

Operations Management

Our operations management services are designed to help organizations optimize their operations and improve efficiency and effectiveness. We work with clients to analyze their operations, identify areas for improvement, and develop and implement strategies to achieve success. Our team has experience in a variety of industries and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

Services That Unlock The Potential

of Enterprises Like Yours

Whether you are starting, growing, or scaling your business, we exist to help create the income, freedom, and impact you envision for your life and your business.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Outsourcing complete processes, divisions, and teams allows businesses to free up time, resources and money to focus on your core business operations and growth. With outsourcing, you can scale your business by handing over non-core business processes to experts in that field. By outsourcing, you partner with us and take advantage of cost savings, expertise, increased efficiency and overall better performance. We handle all recruitment, hiring, human resource aspects and help you manage the systems and processes of your offshore team.

Virtual Assistants (VA's)

With virtual assistants, you have the flexibility to delegate tasks and projects as needed or consistently, allowing you to focus on the areas of your business that drive success. Whether it's managing your email inbox, scheduling appointments, conducting research or handling social media, our VA's are trained and experienced in a variety of functions to meet your specific needs. If you are tired of doing tasks that aren't really worth your time, energy, and freedom, hiring a virtual assistant or team will be a game-changer.

Software & Automation

In today's fast-paced business environment, having the right tools and technology in place can make all the difference. That's why we offer a range of software and automation services to help you streamline your operations, enhance your customer experience, and drive your business forward. Whether you're looking to improve your internal processes, enhance your customer experience, or simply reduce manual tasks and increase efficiency, software and automation can help.

How We Empower Results

Focusing on 5 Foundational Elements for Operations Success

Productivity and efficiency met unparalleled convenience to create We Empower Enterprises.

Whether you are a start up, small business (e-commerce or service-based) or non-profit, it's time to say goodbye to the hassle of having to deal with multiple companies, managers, vendors, etc. for your business needs.

At We Empower Enterprises, we understand that running a business can be a lonely and overwhelming journey. That's why we built a comprehensive business platform to empower and equip entrepreneurs to succeed.

So why wait? Take the first step to transforming your business and book a free consultation with us today.


While our certified NLP coaches focus on helping you identify blocks that may be preventing you and your team from reaching and achieve your goals, our business consultants provide expert guidance and support to navigate the complexities of growing a business. Enjoy the journey of business ownership with more ease and less stress.


Having a clear, customized, and well-defined strategy is essential for any business. It sets the direction for the company, and helps align the efforts of all employees towards a common goal. A strong strategy can also help a company stay competitive in the marketplace and make better decisions.


Effective systems are crucial for the smooth operation of any business. They help streamline processes and improve efficiency, which can lead to cost savings and increased productivity. Well-designed systems also provide a framework for consistent performance and help ensure that quality standards are met.


The Empowered CRM has everything you need to streamline your business. From automatically following up with leads, or scheduling your social media posts, to building websites, landing pages, and capturing new leads, this CRM is all about making you life easier. In today's digital age, the right software can give your company a significant competitive advantage.


Your staff will carry out your company's strategy, operate its systems, and use its software. We understand the importance of matching the right candidate to the right job, and we take a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to ensure that this happens every single time— and at a fraction of the US price, the question is what are you waiting for?

There's No One-Size-Fits-All Solution

The tools and resources you'll need will vary depending on the type and size of your business and your readiness to scale.

Essential items that every business owner should have

in their toolkit:

  • A simple strategy with a massive action plan

  • A project management tool

  • A customer relationship management (CRM) system

  • Accounting software

  • A branding & marketing strategy

  • A strong team (employees, outsourced staff/virtual assistants)

  • A manual of processes and procedures aka SOPs

How Do We Empower Enterprises?

The answer is simple: We give them the tools and resources they need to succeed. This includes access to education, training, software, systems and processes, as well as mentorship. We create an environment that is conducive to business growth. And it all starts with our mindset. We are creating an ecosystem in which businesses can thrive and create jobs, driving economic development and empowering enterprises all around the world.

Achieving Massive Results in Weeks, not Months or Years

Start Today.

Not sure what services are right for you?

Scale Your Business with Outsourcing

Scale your business in weeks, not months or years.

If you're looking to scale your business and take it to the next level, outsourcing through our BPO could be the solution you need. With a team of experts taking care of your non-core processes, you can focus on what truly matters to your business and achieve the success you envision.

By partnering with us, you can tap into a vast talent pool of offshore Filipino employees without the need to set up an offshore entity, saving up to 70% on payroll costs. This not only reduces your operational costs but also increases your bottom line.

Our Philippines-based employees are known for their exceptional work ethic, technical skills, and fluency in English. They are dedicated and motivated to deliver high-quality work, which can greatly boost your productivity and efficiency. With us, you can enjoy the benefits of outsourcing without the hassle of managing a remote team.

Scale Your Business with Outsourcing

Scale your business in weeks, not months or years.

If you're looking to scale your business and take it to the next level, outsourcing through our BPO could be the solution you need. With a team of experts taking care of your non-core processes, you can focus on what truly matters to your business and achieve the success you envision.

By partnering with us, you can tap into a vast talent pool of offshore Filipino employees without the need to set up an offshore entity, saving up to 70% on payroll costs. This not only reduces your operational costs but also increases your bottom line.

Our Philippines-based employees are known for their exceptional work ethic, technical skills, and fluency in English. They are dedicated and motivated to deliver high-quality work, which can greatly boost your productivity and efficiency. With us, you can enjoy the benefits of outsourcing without the hassle of managing a remote team.

Make Things Happen with Virtual Assistants

Are all the tasks you or your in-house team doing really worth your time, energy, and investment?

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or like you’re constantly running out of time— virtual assistants can be a game-changer for you and your organization. By delegating to VAs, you effectively get rid of tasks you don’t want to do, don’t have the time to do, or simply are not a priority.

With We Empower, you don't have to worry about recruiting, human resources, salaries, vacation time, etc. Every single one of our VAs is an employee of our company, which means we handle all of that for you, we have a recruitment department, an HR department, an Operations Manager who oversees all employees, etc.

Make Things Happen with Virtual Assistants

Are all the tasks you or your in-house team doing really worth your time, energy, and investment?

If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or like you’re constantly running out of time— virtual assistants can be a game-changer for you and your organization. By delegating to VAs, you effectively get rid of tasks you don’t want to do, don’t have the time to do, or simply are not a priority.

With We Empower, you don't have to worry about recruiting, human resources, salaries, vacation time, etc. Every single one of our VAs is an employee of our company, which means we handle all of that for you, we have a recruitment department, an HR department, an Operations Manager who oversees all employees, etc.

Automate with Software Technology

Empower your business through automation and innovation.

In today's fast-paced business environment, it's essential to have the right tools and processes in place to streamline your operations and increase efficiency. That's where software, systems, and automation come in.

With the Empowered CRM, say goodbye to scattered data, missed opportunities, and disorganized processes, with our all-in-one CRM software you have everything you need to manage customer relationships, sales, marketing, and much more.

Our software and systems are designed to help you unleash the power of automation. Easily automate processes such as data entry, invoicing, sending emails, posting on social media, etc.

Software and Automation Technology

Empower your business through automation and innovation.

In today's fast-paced business environment, it's essential to have the right tools and processes in place to streamline your operations and increase efficiency. That's where software, systems, and automation come in.

With the Empowered CRM, say goodbye to scattered data, missed opportunities, and disorganized processes, with our all-in-one CRM software you have everything you need to manage customer relationships, sales, marketing, and much more.

Our software and systems are designed to help you unleash the power of automation. Easily automate processes such as data entry, invoicing, sending emails, posting on social media, etc.

Networking & Community

A one-of-a-kind platform and community that brings together inspiring women entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Our mission is to empower and equip women with the knowledge, tools, resources, connections, and community they desire to turn their dreams into reality and be fiercely successful so that together we can create massive impact in the world.

🌱 Private Community

🌱 Events & Experiences

🌱 Masterclasses & Live Trainings

🌱 Tools & Resources

The We Empower Network Membership helps you turn your dreams into reality through consistent action. We host weekly events that inspire you, motivate you, and give you actionable items to help you take your next big steps towards success. Membership is currently open.

Ready To Scale?



Our Solutions

When it comes to growing a successful business, there are a lot of moving parts. From getting the right software and solutions in place to building a team and generating leads, it can be overwhelming. But at We Empower Enterprises, we're here to help. We offer a full suite of services designed to empower enterprises of all sizes. From marketing and sales to operations and HR, we can help you take your business to the next level.







Our Programs



This program is for entrepreneurs who are ready to make their dreams a reality! The Make it Happen Group Coaching program will empower you to get clear on your goals and outcomes and design a plan so you can take massive action and achieve the life and business you desire. We provide you with the tools you need to create a simple strategic annual plan and help you stay on track.


This mastermind group is a gathering of like-minded individuals who meet regularly to provide support, advice, and accountability to one another. But it's no ordinary accountability mastermind. It's designed to help you achieve your goals for life and business with an infusion of weekly mini masterclasses on practices and principles of high performers who know how to MAKE IT HAPPEN.


This program is for entrepreneurs who not only dare to dream but are daring to the take actions needed to a design a life on their terms. You have the power to create your own destiny and we are here to help you create a life of abundance so you can attract and receive everything you need to make your dreams a reality. The course and mastermind has powerful tools and strategies that will help you get to the next level.


This program is for entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs who are ready to make their dreams a reality! The Make it Happen Course and Accountability Mastermind will empower you to get clear on your goals and outcomes and design a plan so you can take massive action and achieve the life and business you desire. We will help you stay on track by providing accountability, support, and motivation.


This program is for leaders who are ready to make an impact in other people's lives and grow their business with like-minded people from around the world. We will help you create your own free or paid community or expand on what you're already doing in our We Empower World Hub. You will be able to host your own events, and create masterclasses/online courses in the We Empower Academy.

what makes us different

All the services you need...


Paragraph about why we're different. We're a community.


People to Make Your Vision Happen

One of the best ways to avoid burnout and still get everything done is to delegate tasks to a virtual assistant. Having a reliable VA partner, allows you to free up your time so that you can focus on the parts of your business that you're passionate about and create the impact and income you desire.

Software to Streamline Your Business

Technology can be confusing and with the options out there, we offer an all-in-one software solution that will give you the tools, support, and resources you need to succeed in business. From landing pages and websites to pipeline management, organizing and automating has never been so easy.

Lead Generation to Grow your Business

Your LinkedIn profile is a connection and lead-generating powerhouse. Our connection and messaging management service will help you create new relationships, build your network, and generate thousands of opportunities that can result in new clients and the business growth you desire.

The Hub & Community to Support You

When women join a community of other female entrepreneurs who are passionate about making an impact, they open themselves up to a wealth of opportunities for growth. Our social impact hub has access to courses, events, networking, circles, and masterminds created by the community.

We Empower ACEs

We Empower ACEs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working to confront the effects of childhood adversity on children, women, families, and communities. Our mission is to help and empower people to transform their lives by creating their own success stories through an array of trauma-informed programs.

If you're interested in knowing what We Empower can do

for you and your business, let's Make It Happen!

Zoom Call

If you're feeling like your business could use a boost, then don't wait – book a discovery call with us now. We'll be able to assess your needs and see how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Owwll App

The new OWWLL audio app makes it easy for us to Connect. Learn. Grow. You will also be able to connect with other experts. Get a $10 calling credit when you sign up to speak with me and also become an advice giver! Use Code sr112259

Monthly Intro Call

If you're looking to learn more about We Empower Enterprises and the Network, this call is open to members and non-members, all you have to do is click the button below and register for the call, we'll send you the details.

Helping people is not just what we do, it is who WE are .

We are a social enterprise. We exist to empower, assist, and inspire people and organizations around the world.

Through our divisions, we are able to create massive impact in our clients' businesses as well as opportunities, jobs, and social programs in the communities we are established in.


Integrity is the cornerstone of our business. We always aim to do the right thing, even when it's not the easy thing. We are honest and transparent in our dealings, and we always keep our promises.

"Always do the right thing." —Norman Serrano


Awesomeness is what we aim for in everything we do. We want to create products and services that are truly amazing, and that make a positive difference in the world.

"Anyone, anywhere, can make a positive difference." —Mark Sanborn


Collaboration is key to everything we do. We believe that by working together, we can achieve more than we could ever hope to achieve alone.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." —Hellen Keller


Excellence is our standard. We strive to be the best at everything we do, and to provide our clients with the best possible experience. We are always learning and growing.

"Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." —John W. Gardner

Discover the Competitive Advantage

Working with Us Gives You

Give your business the competitive edge it needs to thrive.

We Empower means:

  1. Customized Solutions: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we take the time to fully understand your needs and goals before creating a tailored solution that is right for you.

  2. Expertise: Our team is made up of amazing, resourceful members who are a wealth of experience and knowledge. This means that we have the skills and expertise to tackle even the most complex projects. AND, if we don't currently have the skills you need, we can source them in no time.

  3. Communication: We believe that open and transparent communication is key to a successful partnership. That's why we make it a priority to keep you informed and up-to-date throughout the entire process.

  4. Flexibility: We understand that things can change, which is why we are always willing to adapt and adjust our approach as needed to ensure that your needs are met.

  5. Results-Driven: We are results-driven and focus on delivering measurable outcomes.

  6. Competitive Pricing: We ensure that our clients get the best value for their investment.

More than just a business

We are a social impact organization on a mission to empower women in business.

There is no denying that women have made great strides in the business world. However, there is still a long way to go before we are truly equal. We know that when we empower women in business, we are not only helping them to achieve their goals and dreams, but we are also making a positive impact on their families, communities, and the world.

More than just a business

We are a social impact organization on a mission to empower women in business.

There is no denying that women have made great strides in the business world. However, there is still a long way to go before we are truly equal. We know that when we empower women in business, we are not only helping them to achieve their goals and dreams, but we are also making a positive impact on their families, communities, and the world.


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